How to Become a Psychologist in Pakistan| Scope of Psychology

Psychologists are professionals who work with clients who are mentally disturbed. Psychologists use their analytical and communication skills in therapeutic contexts to enhance the quality of life of clients. Psychologists are known as doctors or therapists who are inclined towards the diagnosis, treatment, and counseling of people facing mental health disorders.

What do Psychologists do?

They work in collaboration with psychiatrists and apply various therapies, psychological researches, and theories to clients. There exist various types of psychologists who work in different fields. Over 55 divisions of psychologists exist but clinical psychologists are growing greater in number than other divisions.

The chief function of psychologists is to understand the emotional, mental, and behavioral factors associated with the problems faced by clients.

Required Qualities to Become a Psychologist in Pakistan

To become a psychologist, there is a number of qualities that a person needs to possess.

  • A psychologist must owe a likable and attractive personality. This trait is very essential as patients only trusts a person who is good in appearance and seems trustable.
  • A psychologist must be an active listener. If you are not attentive and can’t concentrate on what your client is saying, then you’re a big NO!
  • A psychologist must adopt a nonjudgmental attitude even when you are encountered by a person who is engaged in criminal activities. Only a nonjudgmental attitude can lead the next person to trust you for the issues that he is even hiding from his family members.
  • A psychologist must be the one having a positive attitude. Positivity is essential for inculcating positivity in next person. If a person will be negative as a psychologist, then his therapeutic sessions will fail badly.
  • A psychologist must emanate empathy and genuine concern. He must observe the tone and body language of client very attentively.

Psychology Courses Available in Pakistan

To become a psychologist in Pakistan, there are various courses in which can a person opt. If a person meets with the eligibility criteria od programs, he can take admission in any of these programs.

  • BS Psychology (4 years program)
  • MS Psychology (2 years program)
  • MPhil Psychology (2 years program)
  • D Psychology (3 years program)

A person can be labeled as a psychologist, once he has done his MS degree in Psychology. However, for further experience and studies, a person can go for postgraduate courses.

Eligibility Criteria for Admissions in Psychology

Eligibility criteria for admission in Psychology, Undergraduate & Graduate courses.

For BS Program

  • Intermediate (FA or FSc)
  • Minimum 50% of marks)

For MS Program

  • BS Psychology
  • Minimum 2.5/4.00 CGPA
  • Candidate must pass the test and interview of university

For MPhil Program

  • MS or BS Psychology
  • Minimum 2.5/4.00 CGPA
  • Candidate must pass the university’s test

Individuals can practice in various hospitals during their degrees. During BS or MS, it is the requirement of the degree to do practice in some hospitals, clinical settings, or institutes.

Scope of Psychology in Pakistan

In the past, psychology was not as much emphasized in Pakistan as it is emphasized now. Psychological studies are attaining much emphasis and people are building careers in this field. Males and females, both have equal opportunities to deal with people suffering from various disturbances.

Psychologists are hired to hold the psychological department of hospitals. Psychologists in Pakistan are dealing with a lot of drug-addicted persons and are being successful in treating them. With the passage of time, the scope of Psychology in Pakistan will widen drastically as the ratio of disturbed people will enhance

A person can obtain the following jobs in Pakistan.

  • Counseling Psychologist
  • Clinical Psychologist
  • Child Psychologist
  • School Psychologist Industrial-Organizational Psychologist
  • Forensic Psychologist
  • Educational Psychologist
  • Social Psychologist
  • Health Psychologist

Clinical, Counseling, and Child psychologists can be found in several services settings like hospitals and clinics. All of the above-mentioned psychologists can work in collaboration and can be seen working in hospitals, clinics, industries, courts, schools, community service agencies, The Military, Private and Government Research agencies, and Prisons.

Read:- Medical Colleges In Pakistan

Working as a psychologist holds various advantages such as a person gets satisfaction after solving the problems of others. Other than that, a person can come up with his own business by opening up his personal clinic. Additionally, a psychologist comes to see environment and society from different perspectives.

A psychologist gets to hear about the interesting stories and gets relieved when he addresses all the issues of clients. In short, the whole process is a learning experience where a person gets to learn a lot of new things.

Salaries Psychologists Get in Pakistan

An average psychologist in Pakistan gets an average of Rs. 31,052 per month salary. A well-qualified and highly-experienced psychologist gets up to Rs. 150,000 each month.

Why Pakistan need psychologists?

Psychologists are the need of present time for the whole world as we are going through greater stress. However, when we talk specifically about Pakistan, there are various reasons due to which Pakistani people are in great stress. Terrorism has always been a greater threat to Pakistan due to which public remain in stress and hence requires clinical assistance.

Secondly, economic instability has always been a center of attention for the public of Pakistan. People require someone who can listen to their problems and provide alternative solutions. Furthermore, poverty, job, education, and family-related issues are also there which lead people towards clinics.

Future of psychologists in Pakistan

Previously, psychologists have never been recognized or admired. However, with each passing time as people are becoming aware they are getting to know about the importance and necessity of psychologists.

Now, the need for psychologists is everywhere including hospitals, clinics, schools, organizations, colleges, and universities. Even Pakistani forces have now started to recruit psychologists. Every year the Pakistan Army comes up with vacant posts for psychologists. Army hires psychologists on an attractive post like the captain.

Pakistan Army, Pakistan Air Force, and Pakistan Navy started recruiting psychologists to post them in their hospitals to deal with their forces. Psychologists get luxuries and attractive payment in forces and hence lead a happy and satisfying life.

Read:- AKU Entry Test

If you have any further queries or confusion about the topic, feel free to add your comment in the comment box.

The post How to Become a Psychologist in Pakistan| Scope of Psychology appeared first on MBBS.Com.Pk.



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