
Showing posts from January, 2020

Hong Kong scientists claim to develop Coronavirus vaccine

HONG KONG: Coronavirus vaccine has been developed but it requires at least one year for tests before it is available for use, Hong Kong scientists claimed. Announcing his team’s success, Yuen Kwok-yung, from the University of Hong Kong, informed media, it would take months to test the Coronavirus vaccine on animals, then on humans. The news comes as the global research community steps up its efforts to halt the fatal epidemic, with scientists responding to the outbreak at unprecedented speed. Teams around the world are working on their own Coronavirus vaccines, a process that takes at least a decade. Researchers in Australia revealed they had successfully synthesised the virus in the laboratory, using a sample from an infected patient. Mike Catton, from the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity in Melbourne, said that they would share their lab-grown virus with colleagues around the world, helping them to test theories and verify their approaches to combat it. Their...

کرونا وائرس کا خطرہ، تمام مسافروں کیلئے بڑی شرط عائد ورنہ پاکستان میں داخلہ بند، حکم نامہ جاری

لاہور( این این آئی )پاکستان میں داخل ہونے والے تمام مسافروں کے لئے ہیلتھ ڈیکلریشن فارم جمع کروانا لازمی قرار دیدیا گیا جس میں رابطے کی تفصیلات اور سفر کی مختصر تاریخ شامل ہوگی۔ وزارت صحت نے اس سلسلہ میں ایوی ایشن ڈویژن کو ہدایات جاری کر دی ہیں۔حکم نامے کے مطابق پاکستان میں داخل ہونے کے لئے مکمل شدہ فارم جمع کروانا ضروری ہوگا ۔ جہاز کا عملہ تمام مسافروں میں ہیلتھ ڈیکلریشن کارڈ تقسیم کرے گا ،کرونا وائرس کی وبا ء کے پیش نظر کارڈ میں معلومات کا اندراج کرنا اور کارڈ کو لائونج میں ہیلتھ سٹاف کے حوالے کرنا لازمی قرار دیا گیا ہے بصورت دیگر پاکستان میں داخلہ اور امیگریشن کی اجازت نہیں دی جائے گی۔ڈیکلریشن فارم میں نام،پاسپورٹ نمبر اور پتہ،مختلف ممالک میں قیام اور مسافر کی صحت کی تفصیلات بتانا ہوں گی ۔ The post کرونا وائرس کا خطرہ، تمام مسافروں کیلئے بڑی شرط عائد ورنہ پاکستان میں داخلہ بند، حکم نامہ جاری appeared first on JavedCh.Com . from JavedCh.Com

جون میں پاکستان کا نیا پرائم منسٹر، وزارت عظمیٰ کی کرسی کیلئے مضبوط ترین امیدوار کا انتخاب ، جانتے ہیں وہ خوش نصیب کون ہیں؟ نام بھی سامنے آگیا

اسلام آباد(مانیٹرنگ ڈیسک)سینئر صحافی ہارون الرشید کا کہنا ہے کہ اپوزیشن کا جون میں وزیراعظم کے خلاف تحریک عدم اعتماد لانے لانے کا پلان ہے۔نجی ٹی وی پروگرام میں گفتگو کرتے ہوئے ان کا کہنا ہے کہ معاملہ یہ ہے کہ ق لیگ اور عمران خان دونوں کے تیور بدل گئے ہیں۔وہ جنگ کرنے کے لیے تیار ہیں۔عمران خان اب تلے ہوئے ہیں۔چوہدری نرادران بڑے متحمل لوگ ہیں لیکن حکومت اور ان کے درمیان پہلے دن سے مشاورت کا فقدان رہا ہے۔اس وقت صورتحال عمران خان کے زیادہ حق میں نہیں ہے۔مہنگائی اور بے روزگاری بڑھ رہی ہے۔عمران خان کی معاشی ٹیم کچھ کر نہیں سکتی۔وزیراعظم بھی ٹھیک آدمی سے مشاورت نہیں کرتے۔ اپوزیشن کا پلان یہ ہے کہ جون میں تحریک عدم اعتماد لائی جائے اور شہباز شریف وزیراعظم ہوں۔وہ کہتے ہیں کہ یہ اسٹیبلشمنٹ کا بی پلان ہےلیکن ایسا ہو گا نہیں۔ The post جون میں پاکستان کا نیا پرائم منسٹر، وزارت عظمیٰ کی کرسی کیلئے مضبوط ترین امیدوار کا انتخاب ، جانتے ہیں وہ خوش نصیب کون ہیں؟ نام بھی سامنے آگیا appeared first on JavedCh.Com . from JavedCh.Com

سرعام پھانسی کی بجائے سزائے موت پانے والے مجرموں کی پھانسی کی ویڈیو اور آڈیو بنا کر اس کی تشہیر ،بچوں سے زیادتی میں ملوث افراد کیخلاف سزاؤں کو مزید سخت کرنے کا فیصلہ کرلیا گیا

پشاور ( آن لائن ) خیبرپختونخوا میں بچوں سے زیادتی میں ملوث افراد کے خلاف سزاؤں کو مزید سخت کرنے کا فیصلہ کیا گیا ہے جس میں عمر قید کی سزا میں کسی قسم کی معافی نہ دینے اور سزائے موت کی صورت میں مجرموں کی پھانسی کی ویڈیو اور آڈیو بنا کر تشہیر کی تجاویز دی گئی ہیں۔ صوبائی وزیر سماجی بہبود ہشام انعام اللہ کی زیر صدرات صوبائی اسمبلی کی ذیلی پارلیمانی کمیٹی کا اجلاس ہوا جس میں یہ تجاویز دی گئیں۔ ذیلی پارلیمانی کمیٹی کے اجلاس میں چائلڈ پروٹیکشن اینڈ ویلفئیر ایکٹ 2010 میں ترامیم کے حوالے سے تجاویز کو بھی حتمی شکل دی گئی۔کمیٹی نے اپنی تجاویز میں کہا کہ بچوں سے ذیادتی میں ملوث افراد کی سزاؤں میں کسی قسم کی معافی نہیں ہوسکے گی اور عمر قید کی سزا طبعی موت تک کی ہوگی جب کہ سرعام پھانسی کی بجائے سزائے موت پانے والے مجرموں کی پھانسی کی ویڈیو اور آڈیو بنا کر اس کی تشہیر کی جاسکتی ہے۔کمیٹی نے بچوں کے ساتھ کسی بھی قسم کی ہراسانی یا زیادتی کے مرتکب افراد کو کسی بھی تعلیمی ادارے میں ملازمت نہ دینے کی بھی تجویز دی۔اس کے علاوہ کمیٹی نے پورنو گرافی میں ملوث افراد کے لیے 14 سال تک قید کی سزا اور 50 لاکھ...

خیبر پختونخوا سے کورونا وائرس کا پہلا مشتبہ کیس سامنے آگیا ، سوات کے یاسر میں کیا علامات پائی گئیں؟ہسپتال داخل

پشاور ( آن لائن )خیبر پختونخوا میں چین سے پھیلنے والے خطرناک کورونا وائرس کا پہلا مشتبہ کیس سامنے آیا ہے۔ضلع سوات کے علاقے اوڈیگرام سے تعلق رکھنے والے 26 سالہ بائیو میڈیکل انجینئر یاسر میں کورونا وائرس کا شبہ ظاہر کیا گیا ہے جس کا چین آنا جانا لگا رہتا تھا۔ محکمہ صحت کے پی کے مطابق یاسر کا علاج کے باوجود بخار اور زکام ٹھیک نہیں ہو رہا تھا جب کہ اس کے خون کے سفید خلیوں (وائٹ سیلز) میں کمی آ رہی تھی جس پر یاسر کو سیدو شریف ٹیچنگ اسپتال کے آئسولیشن وارڈ میں داخل کیا گیا۔محکمہ صحت نے بتایا کہ مریض یاسر کے نمونے قومی ادارہ صحت اسلام آباد بھجوا دیئے گئے ہیں۔ کورونا وائرس کا مشتبہ کیس سامنے آنے کے بعد ڈسٹرکٹ ہیلتھ آفیسر ڈاکٹر اکرام شاہ کی زیر صدارت اجلاس ہوا جس میں اسپتال میں ہنگامی بنیادوں پر 10 بستروں پر مشمتل آئسولیشن وارڈ قائم کیا گیا ہے۔ذرائع کا کہنا ہے کہ مشتبہ مریض یاسر چین کا سفر کرتا رہا ہے جو دو ماہ کے دوران جنوبی وزیرستان، لاہور اور کرک کا دورہ بھی کر چکا ہے۔دو روز قبل کراچی کے علاقے لیاری کا رہائشی ارسلان بھی چینی شہر ووہان سے بخیرو عافیت اپنے گھر واپس پہنچا تھا جس میں ک...

گوگل، فیس بک اور ٹوئٹر کورونا وائرس پر افواہوں کی روک تھام کیلئے سرگرم ،سوشل میڈیا پر کس چیز کا آغاز کر دیا گیا ؟ جانئے

نیویارک(این این آئی)گوگل، فیس بک اور ٹوئٹر نے کورونا وائرس کے حوالے سے غلط اطلاعات کے پھیلاؤ کی روک تھام کے ساتھ صارفین کو مددگار اور مستند ذرائع سے تفصیلات کی فراہم کے لیے مختلف اقدامات کرنا شروع کردیئے ہیں۔غیرملکی خبررساں ادارے کے مطابق فیس بک کی جانب سے اعلان کیا گیا ہے کہ وہ کورونا وائرس کے حوالے سے غلط معلومات کو فلیگ اور سائٹ سے ہٹانے کے منصوبے پر کام کررہی ہے، گوگل کی جانب سے کورونا وائرس سرچز کے لیے ایک ایس او ایس الرٹ بنایا گیا جبکہ ٹوئٹر نے کہا کہ وہ اس حوالے سے سرچ کرنے والے افراد کو بیماری کے بارے میں معلومات فراہم کرنے والے آفیشل چینیلز کی جانے لے کر جائے گی۔فیس بک اس کے لیے تھرڈ پارٹی چیکرز کی مدد سے وائرس سے متعلق مواد کو ریویو کرے گی اور اگر اس مواد میں کچھ غلط ہوا تو فیس بک کی جانب سے صارفین تک اس کی رسائی کو محدود کردیا جائے گا۔اسی طرح فیس بک کی جانب سے ان افراد کو ایک نوٹیفکیشن بھیجا جائے گا جنہوں نے اسے شیئر کیا ہوگا یا شیئر کرنے کی کوشش کریں گے۔فیس بک کی جانب سے ایسے مواد کو ڈیلیٹ کیا جائے گا جن کو عالمی طبی اداروں کی جانب سے سازشی خیالات یا غلط بیانات جیسے جعل...

اسرائیلی فورسز کی مسجد اقصیٰ میں گھس کر فائرنگ ، 10 نمازی زخمی

مقبوضہ بیت المقدس (این این آئی)اسرائیلی پولیس نے یروشلم (بیت المقدس) کے اہم ترین مقام مسجد اقصیٰ میں گھس کر فائرنگ کرکے 10 نمازیوں کو زخمی کردیا۔واضح رہے کہ امریکا کی جانب سے مشرق وسطیٰ کے لیے امن کا تنازع منصوبہ پیش کیے جانے کے بعد اسرائیل کی جانب سے مسجد اقصیٰ پر پہلا حملہ ہے۔ترکی کی نیوز ایجنسی کی رپورٹ کے مطابق یروشلم اسلامک وقف آرگنائزیشن نے بتایا کہ اسرائیلی پولیس نے مسجد اقصیٰ سے 3 افراد کو گرفتار بھی کیا۔ان کے مطابق اسرائیلی پولیس نے مسجد اقصیٰ میں ربڑ کی گولیاں فائر کیں جس سے 10 افراد زخمی ہوئے۔خیال رہے کہ ہزاروں فلسطینی خصوصی طور پر مسجد اقصیٰ میں نماز جمعہ کی ادائیگی کے لیے آتے ہیں اور اسرائیلی تسلط کو مسترد کرتے ہیں۔اسرائیل نے 1967 میں مشرق وسطیٰ جنگ کے دوران یروشلم کے مشرقی حصے پر قبضہ کیا تھا۔ The post اسرائیلی فورسز کی مسجد اقصیٰ میں گھس کر فائرنگ ، 10 نمازی زخمی appeared first on JavedCh.Com . from JavedCh.Com

Govt to roll out Islamic financing facility for youth

ISLAMABAD: The government has decided to roll out an Islamic financing facility for youth under its flagship Kamyab Jawan programme, ARY News reported. Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Youth Affairs Usman Dar met State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) Governor Reza Baqir to discuss the dos and don’ts of the scheme, which is slated to be launched in April. Officials privy to the development say conventional banks will be engaged in Islamic financing for the youth. Usman Dar, explaining how the facility will work, said it is in line with persistent demands of the youth for Islamic financing. The SAPM said consultations with the central bank and all stakeholders have been completed in this regard. He said loans are being disbursed among youth under the Youth Entrepreneurship Scheme (YES) after due scrutiny in the first phase and that successful applicants would be entitled to Islamic financing in the second phase. It is noteworthy that the YES was launched under the banner of K...

PM Khan to visit Malaysia on February 3: sources

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister Imran Khan to visit Malaysia on February 3, on a two-daylong official visit, ARY News reported on Saturday. According to the schedule finalised for PM Khan’s visit he will leave for Kuala Lumpur along with a high-level delegation. Both the countries will hold delegation level talks on February 5. Sources said, during his visit, Prime Minister will hold meeting with his Malaysian counterpart Dr Mahathir Mohamed, to discuss important issues. The meeting will discuss issues related to bilateral relations, trade and investment. Earlier on December 16, Prime Minister Imran Khan’s visit to Malaysia was postponed where he was invited to attend Kuala Lumpur Summit on December 18. Sources had said that the schedule of PM Imran Khan’s visit to Malaysia was not finalised due to the emergence of reservations from some countries. Read more:  PM Imran Khan lands in Geneva to co-convene Global Refugee Forum Later, Prime Minister had reportedly talked over the...

Petition in LHC seeks forensic audit of sugar stocks

LAHORE: A petition has been filed in the Lahore High Court (LHC) seeking forensic audit of sugar stocks in the province, ARY News reported on Saturday. Petitioner in his plea claimed that the sugar mafia has hoarded sugar to create an artificial shortage of the commodity and jack up the price. The sugar mafia intends to cook up sugar crisis in the country with export of the commodity, the petition said. “The sugar mills have failed to submit details of their stocks in court, despite the court order,” according to the petition. The government of Punjab didn’t act so far against the sugar mafia, the plea said. The petitioner sought the high court order for forensic audit of the stocks in sugar mills. The petitioner also pleaded to the court to issue an order to the government for action against the mills selling sugar on exorbitant rates. In an earlier petition, in previous weeks, the LHC was pleaded to pass orders to initiate crackdown against the hoarders and seek complete rec...

Coronavirus: Flyers arriving at airports to fill out health declaration forms

KARACHI: As part of health safety measures to stop possible transmission of the deadly coronavirus to Pakistan, the Ministry of Health has instructed flyers to submit a health declaration form upon arrival at the country’s airports. According to a Civil Aviation Authority (CAA) spokesperson, every passenger will have to fill out the form, which will contain their brief travel history and contact details. He said crew members will provide forms to passengers to fill out and then, hand the same over to health officials upon landing at airport lounges. Upon failure, they will be denied entry into the country, he warned. Read More: China reports 46 new coronavirus deaths, total at 259 Health officials have already started screening passengers at four airports of the country in the aftermath of the coronavirus outbreak in China . A day earlier, the National Disaster Management Authority (NDMA) had decided to impose a ban on export of face masks and hand gloves as “a first precautionar...

BRT Peshawar probe: SC to hear plea against PHC’s ruling on Monday

ISLAMABAD: A three-member bench of the Supreme Court (SC) will take up the plea challenging Peshawar High Court verdict to probe BRT Peshawar project on Monday, ARY News reported. The verdict of the PSH was challenged by the Khyber Pakhtunkhwa government and the Peshawar Development Authority (PDA). The court has summoned Advocate General KP to appear before the court on Monday (February 3). It may be noted that the PHC had ordered the Federal Investigation Agency (FIA) to probe into alleged financial irregularities in the BRT Peshawar project. Earlier this week, Khyber Pakhtunkhwa Minister for Information Shaukat Yousafzai had said that Bus Rapid Transit (BRT) Peshawar project would be completed by the end of March this year. Read more: BRT Peshawar probe: FIA to seek more time from PHC to complete investigation Talking to media in Peshawar, the provincial information minister ruling out the propaganda of increase in the cost of the BRT Peshawar had said the total cost of BRT Pe...

Suspended sea breeze subsides cold wave in Karachi

KARACHI: The minimum temperature in Karachi recorded 10.5 degree Celsius on Saturday, while maximum temperature is expected to remain between 25 – 27 ºCelsius, the met office said. The intensity of the cold wave has subsided and mercury moving upward due to suspension of the sea breeze blowing towards the city. Karachi will experience dry weather with cool night in coming 24 hours. The humidity will remain between 60-70 % in the morning and 25-35 % in evening. Mainly cold and dry weather is expected in most parts of the country, while very cold in northern Balochistan, upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit Baltistan and Kashmir. Light rain/drizzle is expected in Northeast Punjab and Kashmir during morning hours. In Punjab mainly cold and dry weather is expected in most parts on Saturday. However, light rain or drizzle is expected in Lahore and Gujranwala during morning hours. Quetta, Kalat and Ziarat in Balochistann Chitral, Malamjabba, Dir, Swat, Kalam and Parachinar in Khyber Pakht...

Unable to understand RSS campaign against me, tweets Fawad

ISLAMABAD: Federal Minister for Science and Technology Fawad Chaudhry in a tweet on Saturday said he is unable to understand the Hindu extremist organisation, Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh’s (RSS) campaign against him. “Unable to understand #RSS_Is_Terrorist_Organization camapaign against me on Delhi elections,” she tweeted. “I ll again say that for India not becoming #Endia it’s important to defeat #Modimadness in #Delhi n whole of India and people of India must rise against extremists.” Unable to understand #RSS_Is_Terrorist_Organization camapaign against me on Delhi elections, I ll again say that for India not becoming #Endia it’s important to defeat #Modimadness in #Delhi n whole of India and people of India must rise against extremists — Ch Fawad Hussain (@fawadchaudhry) February 1, 2020 Read More: Pakistan r ejects Modi’s belligerent rhetoric In a tweet on Jan 30, he had said: “People of India must defeat # Modimadness ,Under pressure to lose another State Elect...

Shehbaz has fallen into his own trap, Firdous reacts to defamation suit

ISLAMABAD: Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Information and Broadcasting Firdous Ashiq Awan says Pakistan Muslim League-Nawaz (PML-N) president Shehbaz Sharif has fallen into his own trap. Responding to a tweet by the opposition leader in which he said he had filed a lawsuit in the London High Court against Daily Mail Online for “publishing a false, defamatory & misleading story against me”, she said influencing the media is his quirk. Indulging in mud-slinging and hurling slurs at opponents is his identity and trait, Ms Awan said. شہباز صاحب!میڈیا پر اثر انداز ہونا آپکا وطیرہ رہا ہے۔ جھوٹی خبرو ں سے مخالفین کی بدنامی اور کردار کشی کرانا آپ کی شناخت اور خاصہ ہے ۔ آپ کے دور میں ایک اخبار کا دو صفحات تک سمٹ جانا قوم کو بھولا نہیں۔ — Dr. Firdous Ashiq Awan (@Dr_FirdousPTI) February 1, 2020 She said Shehbaz Sharif has fallen into his own trap. The SAPM said the nation’s question to the PML-N leader is that had he been truthful, why would ...

Swarms of locusts attack crops in Pakpattan

PAKPATTAN: Swarms of locusts on Saturday landed in Noorpur, Haripur and Malka Hans areas of Pakpattan, ARY News reported. The locusts in large numbers, can be seen on the roads of Noorpur, Malka Hans, houses, trees and fruit farms in various parts of the area and the outskirts. The attack of grasshopper have badly damaged crops of wheat, potatoes and others. The residents are trying to get rid of the locusts by their own in order to save their crops from being damaged. The crop eating insects bring hunger with them by thoroughly eating crops and all vegetation they find at any place. Yesterday, Special Assistant to the Prime Minister on Information and Broadcasting Dr Firdous Ashiq Awan had said the Pakistan government has declared a national emergency to combat locust swarms. Read more: Swarms of locusts invade crops in Pakpattan In a tweet, she had said that the decision was taken in a meeting, chaired by Prime Minister Imran Khan. The meeting also approved the National Acti...

Bullets seized from passenger at Faisalabad airport

FAISALABAD:  The Airport Security Force (ASF) on Saturday seized bullets from an Sharjah-bound passenger’s luggage at the Faisalabad Airport, ARY News reported, citing sources. According to ASF officials, six bullets were found in the luggage of a passenger namely Sajid, during checking at the airport. He was handed over to the police for further investigation into the matter. Read more: Bullets of 9mm pistol recovered from woman at Lahore airport In another incident of the same nature, last month, bullets were discovered in the baggage of a woma n at the Islamabad airport. Seven bullets were found in the luggage of Miraj Bibi, a resident of KP’s Mohmand agency, according to ASF officials. She, however, was allowed to board a Kuwait-bound flight (KU-206) after she told the officials that the bullets were erroneously placed in the luggage. The post Bullets seized from passenger at Faisalabad airport appeared first on ARY NEWS . from ARY NEWS

Brexit at last: Britain leaves the EU as champagne corks fly

LONDON: The United Kingdom finally cast off from the European Union on Friday for an uncertain future, with Brexiteers claiming victory and popping champagne corks for an “independence day” they said marked a new era for the country. In its biggest shift since losing its global empire, the United Kingdom slipped away at 2300 GMT, turning its back after 47 years on the post-World War Two project that sought to build the ruined nations of Europe into a global power. Beside the British parliament, flag-waving Brexit supporters cheered, reveling in a mix of nostalgia, patriotism and defiance. Some sang “God Save the Queen”, while others hugged amid the smoke of fireworks. “The war is over: we have won,” Nigel Farage, a leading Leave campaigner, told the crowd. “This is the single most important moment in the modern history of our great nation.” On the white cliffs of Dover, the message: “The UK has left the EU” was projected between a British and an EU flag. Once considered the unlik...

China reports 46 new coronavirus deaths, total at 259

BEIJING/SHANGHAI: The total number of deaths from a coronavirus epidemic in China had reached 259 by the end of Friday, an increase of 46, state broadcaster CCTV said, citing numbers from the country’s National Health Commission. There were 2,102 new confirmed infections in China during the day, bringing the cumulative total to 11,791. The local health commission of Hubei Province, the epicenter of the epidemic, earlier on Saturday reported 45 new deaths from the outbreak on Friday, bringing the total to 249. The province has confirmed 1,347 new cases of infection on Friday, with the total reaching 7,153 by the end of the day. Hubei’s provincial capital Wuhan, where the virus is thought to have originated, reported 576 new confirmed cases over the day, and also saw 33 deaths from the virus. A total of 192 people in Wuhan have now died. The province remains under virtual quarantine, with roads sealed off and public transport shut down, but small numbers of travelers continue to br...

Rupee records 20 paisa appreciation against US dollar

KARACHI: The Pakistani rupee registered a 20 paisa appreciation in its value against the US dollar in the open market in early trade on Friday, ARY News reported. According to foreign currency dealers, the local unit appreciated by 20 paisa to 154.60 against the greenback as compared to yesterday’s closing of 154.80. A day earlier, the rupee had risen by eight paisa to settle at 154.47  against the US dollar in the interbank market . Read More: SBP reserves jump $184mn to $11.9bn The State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) in a statement on Jan 30 said its net foreign reserves increased by $184 million to $11.9 billion during the week ending January 24. According to data, the total liquid foreign reserves held by the country stood at $18,362.7 million on 24th of this month. Foreign reserves held by the State Bank of Pakistan stood at $11,915.2 million while those held by commercial banks at $6,447.5 million. The post Rupee records 20 paisa appreciation against US dollar appeared firs...

Mehwish Hayat hails student for graduating with a gold medal

Tamgha-e-Imtiaz recipient Mehwish Hayat has praised Pakistani student, Saba who bagged a gold medal at university. Noorul Sabah ‘s father, Abdul Ghaffar sold fruits to fund her education while her mother stitched clothes at home. She completed her  MSc in Economics from the University of Education in Lahore. The starlet took to Twitter to laud her parents’ hardwork and sacrifices. “Most touching news! These parents need to be lauded for the sacrifices they made to get their daughter educated,” she wrote. Most touching news!These parents need to be lauded for the sacrifices they made 2 get their daughter educated. However,education should be a right for every1 equally not just for the privileged few who can afford it.Good education should be available 2 all — Mehwish Hayat TI (@MehwishHayat) January 30, 2020 Mehwish added that education is everyone’s right regardless of their background. “However, education should be a right for everyone equally ...

PML-N MPA declared ineligible over possessing fake degree

ISLAMABAD: A Pakistan Muslim League Nawaz (PML-N) Member of Provincial Assembly (MPA) Chaudhry Kashif Mehmood has been declared ineligible by the Islamabad High Court (IHC) over possessing fake degree, ARY News reported on Friday. Justice Amir Farooq announced the verdict in the disqualification case in an open court against PML-N’s provincial lawmaker Chaudhry Kashif Mehmood. The high court directed the Election Commission of Pakistan (ECP) to de-seat the legislator. The court had reserved the verdict on November 5 after the completion of arguments from both sides. The petition had been filed by Abdul Ghaffar that sought disqualification of Mehmood as he had allegedly contested the 2018’s general election on basis of a fake educational degree. Read: Plea in SHC seeks disqualification of PPP ministers The petition also stated that the PML-N lawmaker had not mentioned his ineligibility in the 2013’s polls during the last election to hide realities and also submitted a fake affidavi...

Zalmay Khalilzad arrives in Islamabad on a day-long visit

ISLAMABAD: United States (US) Special Representative for Afghanistan Reconciliation Ambassador Zalmay Khalilzad on Friday arrived in Islamabad on day-long visit, ARY News reported. Sources privy to the development said, Khalilzad is expected to visit the Foreign Office and hold consultative meetings with the Pakistani officials. The US special envoy will fly back to the United States tonight. Zalmay Khalilzad in his last visit to Pakistan in December, last year, had lauded Pakistan’s role for enduring peace in Afghanistan. The US envoy in his meeting with Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi discussed matters related to mutual interest including Afghan peace. Read more:  FM Qureshi reaffirms Pakistan’s role for Afghan peace   Speaking on the occasion,  Shah Mehmood Qureshi had said, Pakistan firmly believes that Afghanistan issue cannot be resolve through force. “The only solution is table talks.” Pinning hope for the revival of the US-Afghan Taliban peace talks...

Student who returned from virus-hit Wuhan to be kept in isolation at hospital

KARACHI: A Pakistani student who recently arrived in Karachi from virus-hit Wuhan has been shifted to a private hospital where he will be kept under observation until his test results come back negative for the deadly coronavirus, ARY News reported. Arsalan will be kept in an isolation ward of the hospital for at least fourteen days, according to the provincial health department. Samples drawn from the student have been sent to the National Institution of Health for testing. He was brought to the hospital last night amid fears that he may be carrying the deadly coronavirus. Officials of the health department said he would be discharged once his test results come back negative. Meanwhile, the National Institution of Health has obtained special kits to detect the deadly disease. Arsalan Amin had recently reached Karachi from China. He was enrolled at a university in Wuhan, the city most affected by the Coronavirus outbreak. It is to be mentioned here that around 30,000 Pakistani...

پاکستان کا چین میں موجود شہریوں کو نہ نکالنے کا اعلان نیوزی لینڈ ، بھارت اور ترکی نے شہریوں کو نکالنے کیلئے حکمت عملی اپنا لی ؟ دھماکے دار اعلان کر دیا

اسلام آباد (مانیٹرنگ ڈیسک)وزیراعظم عمران خان کے معاون خصوصی برائے صحت ڈاکٹر ظفر مرزا نے چین میں کورونا وائرس سے خوفزدہ پاکستانیوں کو نکالے جانے کے امکانات کو یہ کہہ کر ختم کردیاکہ پاکستان، خطے اور دنیا کے مفاد میں یہی بہتر ہے کہ ہم لوگوں کو وہاں سے نہ نکالیں۔ جبکہ دوسری جانب نیوزی لینڈ کا کہنا ہے کہ وہ اپنے شہریوں کو چین سے نکالنے کے لیے 300 نشستوں پر مشتمل چارٹر طیارہ استعمال کرے گا جس میں اضافی نشستیں آسٹریلوی شہریوں کو دی جائیں گی۔دریں اثنا ادھر ترکی بھی کارگو طیارے کے ذریعے اپنے 34 شہریوں کو ووہان سےنکال رہا ہے جب کہ جارجیا، آذربائیجان اور البانیہ کے شہریوں کوبھی ترک طیارہ ہی واپس لایا جائے گا۔ قبل ازیں جنوبی کوریا نے اپنے 720 شہریوں میں سے 368 کو خصوصی طیارے سے واپس بلا لیا۔جبکہ بھارت نے بھی چین سے درخواست کی ہے کہ وہ 2 طیاروں کے ذریعے اپنے شہریوں کو ووہان سے نکالنا چاہتا ہے جس کے لیے بوئنگ 747 ممبئی میں تیار ہے۔ The post پاکستان کا چین میں موجود شہریوں کو نہ نکالنے کا اعلان نیوزی لینڈ ، بھارت اور ترکی نے شہریوں کو نکالنے کیلئے حکمت عملی اپنا لی ؟ دھماکے دار اعل...

ووہان شہر کرونا وائرس نے پنجھے گاڑھ لیے ، صورتحال خوفناک شکل اختیار کر گئی ، پاکستان آنیوالے شہری نے صورتحال بتادی

اسلام آباد(مانیٹرنگ ڈیسک)کورونا وائرس وائرس چین میں موجود پاکستانی باشندے مشکلات سے دوچار۔ تفصیلات کے مطابق کراچی کے علاقے لیاری کا رہائشی ارسلان چینی شہر ووہان سے بخیرو عافیت اپنے گھر واپس پہنچ گیا۔نجی ٹی وی رپورٹ میں کہا گیا ہے کہ ارسلان نے بتایا کہ ووہان شہر میں برا حال ہے، شہر سیل ہے اور حکومت کی ہدایت ہے کہ عوام گھروں سے باہر نہ نکلیں اور جو نکل رہے ہیں ان کا معائنہ کیا جارہا ہے اور ڈاکٹروں کو رپورٹ کرنے کا حکم دیا جارہا ہے ۔طالب علم نے مزید بتایا کہ اس کا مکمل طبی معائنہ کیا گیا اور سب کچھ کلیئر ہونے پر واپسی کی اجازت ملی۔ارسلان کا کہنا تھا کہ کورونا وائرس کا خوف پھیلا ہوا ہے اور 559 پاکستانی ووہان صوبے میں پھنسے ہوئے ہیں، وہ ووہان شہر سیل ہونے سے پہلے وہاں سے نکل چکا تھا۔ The post ووہان شہر کرونا وائرس نے پنجھے گاڑھ لیے ، صورتحال خوفناک شکل اختیار کر گئی ، پاکستان آنیوالے شہری نے صورتحال بتادی appeared first on JavedCh.Com . from JavedCh.Com

ن لیگی سینئر رہنما و رکن اسمبلی جعلی ڈگری پر نااہل قرار

اسلام آباد (مانیٹرنگ ڈیسک)اسلام آباد ہائی کورٹ نے ن لیگی رہنما کو جعلی ڈگری کیس میں نااہل قرار دیدیا ہے ۔ تفصیلات کے مطابق اسلام آباد ہائی کورٹ نے پاکستان مسلم لیگ ن کے رہنما و رکن اسمبلی کاشف چودھری کافیصلہ جعلی ڈگری فیصلہ سنا دیا ہے ۔جسٹس عامر فاروق نے محفوظ فیصلہ سنایا ہے، عدالت نے الیکشن کو ہدایت جاری کی ہے کہ کاشف چوہدری کو ڈی نوٹیفائی کا نوٹس جاری کرے ۔ واضح رہے کہ کاشف چودھری 2018ء کے عام انتخابات میں حلقہ پی پی 241 (بہاولنگر- V) سے پاکستان مسلم لیگ (ن) کے امیدوار کے طور پر پنجاب کی صوبائی اسمبلی کے لئے منتخب ہوئے تھے۔ The post ن لیگی سینئر رہنما و رکن اسمبلی جعلی ڈگری پر نااہل قرار appeared first on JavedCh.Com . from JavedCh.Com

تحریک انصاف کی جانب سے متعدد عہدوں کی آفرز م کیا سابق وزیر داخلہ حکومت کا حصہ بن رہے ہیں ؟ چودھری نثارعلی خان نے سرپرائز دیدیا

چکری(مانیٹرنگ ڈیسک ) لیگی رہنما چودھری نثار علی خان نے کہا کہ موجودہ حکومت کی طرف سے مجھے عہدوں کی آفر ہوتی رہتی ہے۔تفصیلات کے مطابق سابق وزیر داخلہ چودھری نثار نے آبائی گاؤں چکری حلقہ این اے 59 میں سابق یو سی چیئرمینوں، کونسلروں اور حامیوں سے گفتگو کرتے ہوئے انہوں نے کہا کہ آئندہ چھ ماہ پاکستانی عوام کے لئے اور مشکل ہیں میں صوبائی اسمبلی کا حلف اٹھا رہا ہوں نہ ہی حکومت کا حصہ بن رہاہوں، جب بھی فیصلہ کیا ضمیر اور خمیر کے مطابق کرونگا، میرے بارے میں خبریں بے بنیاد ہیں، اس میں کوئی صداقت نہیں کہ میں پنجاب اسمبلی کا حصہ بننے لگا ہوں، عمران خان 22 سال کی جہدوجہد کے بعد بر سراقتدار آئے مگر ناکام رہے، ملک چلانا کوئی آسان کام نہیں۔ The post تحریک انصاف کی جانب سے متعدد عہدوں کی آفرز م کیا سابق وزیر داخلہ حکومت کا حصہ بن رہے ہیں ؟ چودھری نثارعلی خان نے سرپرائز دیدیا appeared first on JavedCh.Com . from JavedCh.Com

Verdict reserved on maintainability of plea for coronavirus measures

ISLAMABAD: The Islamabad High Court (IHC) on Friday reserved a verdict on the maintainability of a petition seeking directives for the government to make arrangements to evacuate Pakistani students from Wuhan, the epicentre of the deadly coronavirus outbreak. A bench, headed by Chief Justice Athar Minallah, reserved the verdict after hearing the petitioner’s arguments. Advocate Jahangir Jadoon stated before the court that there is no information about what measures the government has thus far taken to block the spread of the virus as over 20,000 Chinese nationals are living in the federal capital. Mian Muhammad Faisal moved the petition citing the secretaries of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the National Health as respondents. He submitted in the petition that the coronavirus outbreak has thus far killed over 200 people in China, triggering panic the world over as many countries are evacuating their nationals from China’s high-risk areas. There are thousands of students f...

SHC moved against Rao Anwar’s bail in Naqeebullah Mehsud murder case

KARACHI: A plea has been filed in the Sindh High Court (SHC) to cancel bail of former SSP Malir Rao Anwar in Naqeebullah Mehsud murder case, ARY News reported on Friday. The plea was submitted by Barrister Faisal Siddiqui, pleading the court to cancel Rao’s bail as he terrorised the society by killing people of alleged fake encounters including Naqeebullah Mehsud. The SHC issuing notices to the concerned authorities fixed February 13 to hear the plea. On July 11, 2018, the ATC granted bail to former SSP Malir Rao Anwar against a surety bond of Rs 1 million. Read more:  ATC indicts Rao Anwar, others in Naqeebullah murder case However, the Supreme Court turned down a petition by Anwar, seeking removal of his name from the Exit Control List (ECL). A bench of the apex court headed by former chief justice of Pakistan Mian Saqib Nisar had rejected the former cop’s plea. Rao Anwar had claimed to have shot dead four members of the defunct Tehreek-e-Taliban Pakistan (TTP) in an enc...

ترمیمی ایکٹ بل منظوری،مودی سرکار کے مسلمانوں کیخلاف ہتھکنڈوں بھارتی مسلمان سینئراداکار نے خاموشی توڑ دی،مودی کو آئینہ دکھا دیا

ممبئی( آن لائن ) بالی ووڈ اداکار جاوید جعفری کو مسلم مخالف قانون کی مخالفت کرنے پر ہندو انتہاپسندوں نے نشانے پر رکھ لیا جس پر جاوید جعفری نے بھی انہیں کرارا جواب دیا۔جاوید جعفری کاشمار بالی ووڈ کے ان اداکاروں میں ہوتا ہے جنہوں نے مودی حکومت کی جانب سے نافذ کیے جانے والے مسلم مخالف شہریت کے متنازع قانون کے خلاف آواز اٹھائی اور کھل کر اس کے خلاف بیان دیا۔ . بھارت میں شہریت کے متنازع قانون کواپوزیشن سمیت دیگر سماجی حلقوں کی جانب سے سخت مخالفت کا سامنا ہے جب کہ اس قانون کے خلاف احتجاج بھارت سے نکل کر یورپ تک پہنچ گیا ہے۔حال ہی میں بالی ووڈ اداکار جاوید جعفری نے یورپ میں متنازع شہریت کے قانون کے خلاف ہونے والے احتجاج کی تصویر ٹوئٹر پر شیئر کرائی تاہم انتہا پسند ہندوؤں کو ان کا یہ اقدام ایک آنکھ نہیں بھایا اور سوشل میڈیا پر ان پر تنقید شروع ہوگئی، یہاں تک کہ ایک خاتون نے انہیں کہا کہ آپ یورپ کیوں نہیں چلے جاتے ہمیں اپنی قوم میں آپ جیسے غداروں کی ضرورت نہیں۔جاوید جعفری نے خاتون کو کرارا جواب دیتے ہوئے کہا آپ کی قوم؟ میڈم آپ نے کب خریدی؟ ا آخری بار جب میں نے آئین پڑھا تھا تواس میں جمہوریت، ب...

قرآن کریم کے شہید اوراق کو مناسب طریقے سے تلف کرنے کیلئے مدینہ فاؤنڈیشن کو ڈسپوزل پلانٹ لگانے کی اجازت دینے کی منظوری

لاہور (آن لائن) وزیراعلیٰ پنجاب سردار عثمان بزدار کی زیرصدارت 90 شاہراہ قائد اعظم پر صوبائی کابینہ کا 24 واں اجلاس منعقد ہوا۔ اجلاس میں کابینہ نے پنجاب انوائرمینٹل ٹریبونل لاہور کے چیئرپرسن کے عہدے پرجسٹس سید افتخار حسین شاہ کی تعیناتی کی منظوری دی جبکہ انجمن ناشران قرآن مجید اردو بازار لاہور کے صدر کے عہدے کیلئے کاشف اقبال کے نام کی منظوری دی گئی۔ کابینہ اجلاس میں قرآن کریم کے شہید اوراق کو مناسب طریقے سے تلف کرنے کیلئے ڈسپوزل پلانٹ کے قیام کا فیصلہ کیا گیا اورپنجاب کابینہ نے مدینہ فاؤنڈیشن کو ڈسپوزل پلانٹ لگانے کی منظوری دی- پنجاب سٹیمپ رولز 1934 میں ترامیم کا فیصلہ کیاگیا۔صوبائی کابینہ نے پنجاب سٹیمپ رولز 1934 میں ترامیم کی منظوری دے دی۔جس کے تحت سٹیمپ وینڈرزکا مکمل ڈیٹا آٹومیشن ہو گااورسٹیمپ وینڈرز کوکم مالیت کے سٹیمپ پیپرزکی خرید و فروخت کیلئے سمارٹ کارڈ دیا جائے گا-اجلاس میں پنجاب الیکٹرانک انوائس مانیٹرنگ سسٹم کے رولز 2019 کی منظوری دی گئی اور پنجاب سیلز ٹیکس آن سروسز ایکٹ 2012 کے سیکنڈ شیڈول میں ترمیم کا فیصلہ کیا گیا۔صوبائی کابینہ نے پنجاب سیلز ٹیکس آن سروسز ایکٹ 2012 کے سیک...

Litigant seeks probe into minister’s alleged links with outlaws, notice issued

KARACHI: Sindh High Court (SHC) on Friday issued a notice to the chief federal and provincial law officers to submit comments on a petition seeking constitution of a joint investigation team (JIT) to probe Sindh Energy Minister Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh’s alleged links with criminal elements, ARY News reported. A two-judge bench of the high court directed the petitioner to present arguments on the maintainability of his petition on the next hearing and ensure that a copy of the petition is provided to respondents so they can file their response. The hearing was adjourned until Feb 11. The bench, headed by Justice Muhammad Ali Mazhar, was hearing the petition that sought constitution of a JIT to probe the allegations levelled against Imtiaz Ahmed Shaikh and Information Minister Saeed Ghani. At a previous hearing on Jan 24, the SHC had asked the litigant to explain which forums has he availed to seek redressal of his grievance before approaching this court. “Did you lodge an FIR aga...

Mainly dry and cold weather to persist in most parts of country

KARACHI: The Pakistan Meteorological Department (PMD) on Friday forecast mainly dry and cold weather in most parts of the country with overcast skies in upper Punjab, upper Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Gilgit Baltistan and Kashmir during the next twelve hours. The Met Office said light rain is expected at a few places in northeast Punjab while fog is likely to prevail in plain areas of Punjab during the morning and night hours. Mainly cold and dry weather is also expected in Balochistan while very cold in Quetta, Kalat and Ziarat. In Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, Peshawar, Mardan, Swabi, Chitral, Astore, Malamjabba, Dir, Kalam and Kurrum agency will likely experience very cold weather. Read More: Skardu remains coldest place in Pakistan with minus 18 temperature Moreover, extreme cold and dry weather is expected in  Gilgit Baltistan  and Kashmir. Karachi will experience dry weather with cool night over the past 24 hours, Met officials said, adding the lowest temperature recorded in the me...

Five people gunned down over old enmity in Sheikhupura

SHEIKHUPURA: Five people were gunned down on Friday over an old enmity in Sheikhupura’s area of Safdarabad, ARY News reported. According to the local police, unidentified armed men, who were riding motorbike opened indiscriminate firing over a vehicle near Sethwala, resulting in the death of five people. The deceased were on their way for a court appearance, when they were attacked. It may be noted that the clash has claimed 12 lives so far, and few days earlier, two members of a family were shot dead over the dispute. The deceased were identified as Akram, Shahid, Shakkoor, Shahnawaz and Khurram. The bodies were moved to the hospital, while further investigation into the matter was underway, said the police. Read more:  Five of a family gunned down in Sargodha In another incident of multiple gunfire deaths in Sukkur on December 3, 2018, two people were shot dead over an old enmity in Sukkur’s area of Pano Akil. According to the local police, unidentified armed men opened i...

PML-N leader challenges PM aide to prove kickback charges against Nawaz

ISLAMABAD: Responding to Special Assistant to Prime Minister (SAPM) on Accountability Shehzad Akbar’s allegations that former premier Nawaz Sharif used the Islamabad airport to pump ill-gotten money into the Chaudhry Sugar Mills (CSM), PML-N leader Malik Ahmed Khan on Friday challenged him to come up with documentary evidence to back up the charges. A day earlier, Mr Akbar alleged the former premier received kickbacks and commission in the Rs105 billion New Islamabad airport project. Speaking in ARY News’ Bakhabar Savera morning show, he termed the accusations baseless and based on surmises. Malik Ahmed Khan said he would stop appearing on TV shows if Shehzad Akbar proves the accusations. Read More: C haudhry Sugar Mills is major corporate fraud of Sharif family: PM’s aide He asked if the govt had any evidence, why was not it brought to the high court which is seized with the hearing of the CSM case or why didn’t the State Bank of Pakistan and Security Exchange Commission of Pak...

Four dead in car-truck collision at GT Road

RAWALPINDI: Four persons were dead in a road crash at GT Road near Gujjar Khan, ARY News reported on Friday, citing rescue sources. As per details, a speeding car rammed into a roadside parked truck resulted in death of four persons, including three brothers. The deceased were identified as Arshad, Azhar, Sadiq and Hassan. The bodies were moved to the hospital for medico-legal formalities. On 21 December 2019,  at least four people were killed and 27 other sustained injuries  in two fog related incidents. Read more: At least 11 killed as van catches fire in Sargodha As per details, four people lost their lives and 13 other sustained wounds when a bus collided with a tractor trolley in Chak Chatha area near Hafizabad. The ill-fated bus was carrying wedding guests from Jokhiyan to Multan when it collided with the tractor trolley. Rescue teams reached the spot and shifted the injured to Tehsil Headquarters Hospital. In a separate road accident in Sultan Colony, fourteen ...

Kobe Bryant death has Lopez and Shakira planning Super Bowl message

MIAMI: Kobe Bryant’s death in a helicopter crash has reminded everyone how fragile life is, Jennifer Lopez and Shakira said on Thursday, and the pop superstars plan to use their Super Bowl halftime show to convey that message. “Life is so fragile and that is why we have to try and live every moment as intensely as we can,” Shakira told a packed news conference. “We will be celebrating life, celebrating diversity in this country. “I am sure he (Bryant) will be very proud to see the message we are going to try to convey on stage because I think it is a very big moment for our community, the Latino community in this country.” Stopping short of saying they were planning a direct tribute to Bryant, the 18-times NBA All-Star who was killed in the crash along with his 13-year-old daughter Gianna and seven others on Sunday, Lopez and Shakira promised a fun, power-packed 12-minute show but wanted to make a point. “I think this is just affecting everybody so much because it is reminding us,...

Big hit for Facebook as latest results show cracks in growth

Facebook shares came under heavy selling pressure Thursday as the latest earnings report for the leading social network highlighted mushrooming costs in dealing with privacy, abuse and misinformation. Shares plunged seven percent in opening trade to $207.57 as investors soured on Facebook even after a fourth quarter update largely in line with analyst estimates. Profit rose seven percent from a year ago to $7.3 billion, while revenue increased 25 percent to $21 billion in the final three months of last year, the update showed. The number of people using Facebook monthly climbed eight percent to 2.5 billion. For all its apps including Instagram, Messenger and WhatsApp, the figure was 2.89 billion. Some analysts said the results pointed to weaker growth ahead for Facebook. “The specter of slowing growth took the edge off what has been an excellent run for the shares during 2019,” said independent analyst Richard Windsor on his Radio Free Mobile blog. “Despite the seemingly endless...

PM Boris Johnson calls Brexit a ´new beginning´ for Britain

LONDON: Prime Minister Boris Johnson on Thursday hailed a “new beginning” for Britain as it prepares to leave the European Union after 47 years. The Conservative leader called for an end to years of bitter arguments over Brexit that have divided the country, saying it was time to move on. “Our job as the government — my job — is to bring this country together and take us forward,” he said in remarks released by his office. “This is not an end but a beginning. This is the moment when the dawn breaks and the curtain goes up on a new act. “It is a moment of real national renewal and change.” Britain will leave the EU at 11:00 pm (2300 GMT) on Friday, January 31, more than three years after the 2016 referendum vote for Brexit. To mark the occasion, Johnson will on Friday hold a special cabinet meeting in Sunderland, a city in northeast England that voted heavily for Brexit. During last month´s general election, in which his Conservatives won a huge majority, the prime minister vowe...

PM Imran Khan to formally launch Ehsaas Kifaalat Programme today

ISLAMABAD: Prime Minister (PM) Imran Khan will formally launch Ehsaas Kifalat Programme for the deserving families today (Friday), ARY News reported. Under Ehsaas Kifalat programme, two thousand rupees will be given to each deserving family per month. About five hundred thousand people will benefit from this programme. All existing eligible beneficiaries of the Benazir Income Support Programme will continue to be part of Ehsaas Kifaalat programme. The total numbers of expected Kafaalat beneficiary women are around seven million. Enrollments of one million families in 70 districts have already begun and these families will start receiving Kifaalat stipends from next two months. Read more: Govt expels unmerited people from BISP database: Sania Nishtar More beneficiary families will be added through desk registration and other districts will be covered by end of the year. Kifaalat is part of the wider Ehsaas programme, where women will have better access to opportunities to gradua...

US tells citizens not to travel to China as virus toll tops 200

China A new State Department travel advisory raised the warning for China to the same level as Iraq and Afghanistan. In a notice posted on its website, the department said: “Do not travel to China due to novel coronavirus first identified in Wuhan, China.” The death toll in Hubei, the Chinese province at the center of the epidemic, had risen to 204 and there were 9,692 cases of infection nationally as of Thursday, Chinese health authorities said. A total of 129 cases have been reported in 22 other countries and regions, with no deaths outside China. Italian Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte said all air traffic between Italy and China would stop, a more drastic measure than most countries have undertaken, after Italy announced its first confirmed cases in two Chinese tourists. Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus, WHO director-general, said the organization “doesn’t recommend – and actually opposes” restrictions on travel or trade with China. International alarm over the new coronavirus that ...